Stanhope Society's Security

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our Trip Back to the U.S.

Waking up the next morning at 7 was not the easiest thing for most of us, but we all got up and were ready to depart. Once we arrived at the airport, we stood in the line to get our passports and bags checked. Then we headed to the food court to get a snack. I had not been feeling particularly well and I thought I was just hungry. After eating two bites of a chocolate chip muffin, I felt horrible. Then, I got that feeling that you get when you just ate a big meal and went on a big roller coaster. I bolted for the bathroom at the other end of the food court, the only problem was that all three stalls were occupied. My stomach couldn't hold it any longer and I tried to cover my mouth with my jacket, but it was too late and I pretty much heaved everything in my stomach all over the floor. It was everywhere, my jeans, my favorite jacket, and my hair. After five minutes sitting in the bathroom, I decided it was over and we walked to the gate. We were originally seated in Business Class, but thankfully we got moved up to First Class where I slept the entire way home. I was disappointed because I wanted to look outside and see the land from the plane which I couldn't do on the way in since we flew in at night. Overall, the trip was great (despite the airport incident). Everyone had a great time and it was an experience of a lifetime. After our trip, the Stanhope Society would like to encourage you to look into going on a mission trip because it opens your eyes to a new degree of poverty that people are faced to live with. It really helps you realize how much you have and helps you learn to appreciate what you have, because sadly there are people who don't have anything more than the clothes off their backs. In society in America, it seems that people always need thing to keep them happy such as HDTV, gaming systems, expensive cars, computers, etc. but in the big picture, these mean nothing. Sure they are all nice and fun to show off, but people need to realize that the gift of life ultimately gives us the most happiness and that we don't need anything more than life to live up to our fullest potential as a human and enjoy life to its greatest extent. 

1 comment:

  1. You are seeing the world and life in the correct way. Take nothing for granted and remember it's nice to be important but more important to be nice.
